Math Mentor Text: Millions, Billions, and Trillions

Time to share our MATH Mentor Texts over at Collaboration Cuties!

I found this little gem in the Scholastic Book Order in September. 🙂

 I love the way it helps students “see” these big numbers. Here are a few of the pages:

 I actually showed them with 1/4 cup of sugar so they could see it. 🙂

We talked about how there aren’t 10,000 people in our school, so we have less than a billion hairs in our school. 😛

And of course, what kid doesn’t want to think about getting money?! Too bad we don’t know any billionaires!

I think this book really helped students visualize these HUGE numbers, even though they don’t need to know bigger than 1,000,000.

What books do you use for math? Link up with Collaboration Cuties and share!

PS Don’t forget, TPT is celebrating reaching 100,000 followers on Facebook (that’s a BIG number, too!!) so they are having a flash sale with the promo code FB100K for 10% off any order! I am also offering 10% off of EVERYTHING in my store (even bundles!) so that’s 19% off with TPT’s promo code! That includes my newest product that I just posted last night:

Make sure to go clear out that wishlist while this huge sale is happening! 🙂