Math Mentor Text: How Big Is It?

It’s Sunday, which means it’s time to link up
with two cutie-patooties!!

This week is math week. I don’t know about you, but it seems that my students have a hard time grasping measurement, not because they don’t know HOW to measure, but they don’t have a concept of size. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to pull my hair out because a kid thinks you should measure a pencil in pounds, or measure a football field with miles…

Then I found this book!

This book is AWESOME because it compares things that most kids actually have an idea about their size, to things they will probably never see in their lifetime…like a polar bear compared to some basketball players… or…a giant squid compared to a house!

The author gives great information and interesting data for the students to visually and numerically compare sizes. I did not read the book all in one day- it’s a great book to do one or two pages a day and give them the opportunity to even solve problems about what they are seeing- for example, how could they figure out how long one of the squid’s tentacles are?

After reading this book, it would be a great time to pull out my Measurement Word Sort Freebie! Have them not only sort where the words belong, but put them in order from smallest to largest in each column!

If you download the freebie, please leave feedback! 🙂

What books do you use for math? Go link up with Collaboration Cuties to share, and get some awesome ideas from others while you are there!

Funny that this week was Math Week for Collaboration Cuties, because it’s also Math Week for Workshop Wednesday!

This Wednesday, the topic will be math manipulatives. I don’t know about you, but I have BUCKETS of math manipulatives and they get used… but could they be used more? What are some ways that you use manipulatives in your room? You could share a lesson, a game, or even how you organize them in your room to keep them “on hand” but “not in the way!”

I hope all the mamas out there have a fabulous Mother’s Day! I’m off to spend some time with my mama today! 🙂