Let’s Talk Test Prep!

I know the majority of us don’t like it, but standardized tests have become a big part of our job to educate students. As a teacher, we are constantly looking for ways to help our students learn, grow, and improve- NOT just because of a test they have to take… but of course, we want them to show all that knowledge on that test at the end of the year, too!

I want to share some test prep strategies over the next several weeks that will help you prepare your students all year WITHOUT taking the fun out of learning. We want our students to be experienced with “test language” and types of questions, as well as ways to respond, but we don’t want that to be the ONLY format the students ever see either.

The methods I am sharing with you are NOT drill-and-kill. They aren’t worksheets. And they don’t require you to constantly put “tests” in front of your kids’ faces.

Let’s talk test prep and make connections between test-taking strategies and sound educational practice!


Read about how to integrate content all year long to maximize your time and take advantage of the valuable extra minutes it provides!


Learn how to help students become thinking readers!


Check out how to keep your mini-lessons “MINI” with examples provided!

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