
Last Week Five For Friday!

Linking up with Kacey today for….

Well… as most of you know, this was my last week! We had a really GREAT last week. Check it out!

I have a painted ceiling tile from all of my classes starting 5 years ago… so I had to do one with this class too! Since my kids have been so service-oriented and helpful to each other this year, I decided to do “Ms. Ivey’s Helping Hands.” 🙂 It was really simple to do, and the kiddos really enjoyed seeing it in the ceiling!

For the last six years, I’ve done Candy Bar Awards on the Student Awards Day. This year, honestly, I ran out of time, and since I’m at a new school, they knew nothing about my tradition… so I had them design their own awards for each other! Most were expected: best friends awards, best soccer player awards, funniest person awards… but there was one that just got me. A student in my class, who has autism, sometimes has a hard time academically and socially. My class, thankfully, is always super tolerant of him and his little quirks. Well, one of my students made an award for him. It was the “Nothing Lets You Down Award.” It was all I could do to not OVER-react at how kind and thoughtful it was! I was worried he wouldn’t get an award, honestly, so I was so glad that his award was so special.

 4th grade students are NOT too old to clean the desks with shaving cream!!!!! Enough said. 😉

I made my end of the year pinspired gifts for my kids and they turned out so cute!!

Krazy Straw, pack of Kool Aid, and a Colorful Lei!

All of the students had different colored highlighters because of the multi-pack I bought! 🙂

We had our end of the year party on the last day of school. We had an overabundance of food, and lots of fun games. I did some Minute-To-Win-It style games and they had a blast! Check out this website for some good ideas for MTWI games for kids!

Happy Friday, Happy Weekend! 🙂