Jigsaw Puzzle Day!

You might recall from my previous post that I do an ABC Countdown at the end of the year. Even if you don’t do a countdown, you can easily incorporate many of these “days” into your end of the year! One of the days my kids loved was Jigsaw Puzzle Day. We put puzzles together and made our own puzzles, too!

I have a cabinet full of puzzles I’ve acquired from places like the Dollar Tree that my kids like to put together sometimes when we have indoor recess. It’s amazing how many of them don’t even have puzzles at home! We work on puzzles throughout the day on Jigsaw Puzzle Day.

Jigsaw Puzzle Day withIdeas by JIvey
We also make two fun displays. Both are freebies on TPT!
First, my kids thought of their FAVORITE thing we did this year in 4th grade. They decorated a puzzle piece and we made a quick door display! (As you can imagine, I got a lot of “winter party” pieces, but there is some content in there, too!)
Favorite door display with Ideas by Jivey

Here’s a close up:

Favorite door display with Ideas by Jivey

You can find this puzzle piece to download for free here!

We also made puzzles all about 4th grade. This was during Teacher Appreciation Week, so you’ll also see all of my gorgeous flowers they got me! :o) The finished puzzles are something fun and colorful for the wall- and my kids loved looking at everyone else’s when there was some free time.

Puzzle days with Ideas by Jivey
Puzzle days with Ideas by JiveyPuzzle days with Ideas by Jivey

You can download this freebie here!

Don’t teach 4th? Here is a puzzle template freebie!

Puzzle template freebie with Ideas by Jivey

If you want to make a smaller puzzle, Krista has some free puzzle piece clip art you can download!

Free puzzle piece clip art by Krista with Ideas by Jivey

I hope this will be a fun way for your kiddos to reflect back on the year! I know mine sure enjoyed it! :o)