Happy 2014!

My oh my! Winter break has come and gone, and I’m just sitting down at my computer for the first time all break. I’m not kidding!! I have caught up on a few blogs, and before I continue my reading to try and catch up on a few more, I wanted to link up with one of my faves, Tara at 4th Grade Frolics!

I would have to say my “1 For Me” started over the break… taking a step back from blogging and creating for TPT was good for me. Now don’t get me wrong, I love you all, my fellow bloggers and readers, but I think it started becoming a chore for me to blog. Blogging is fun! It’s not supposed to be something on a to-do list. So, I took a break (as you noticed) and now, I’m excited to sit here and talk to you again! My “1 For Me” this year will be to blog when I have something exciting to share: whether it be a new lesson I tried, something one of my kids said that made me laugh, maybe a good book that you all need to read… you get the point. But I’m going to blog because I want to, not because I feel like I need to. And I hope that you all will still love reading what I have to say!! 🙂 🙂

So I guess many of you probably want to know what the heck I’ve been up to since December 20, right? If you have been following me on Instagram, you know some things… but here is the story of my last two weeks, told with two-word-pictures! 🙂

Live Tree
Crackling Fires
Cutest Puppy
Best Mama
Totally Addicted
Disney Rocks!
BBB Time
Whoa, Crowded…
In Love <3

I’m off now to read some more blogs and see what everyone else has been up to! Hope your break was as amazing as mine! :o)