Fun Fractions Freebie and My Truth Monday!

Hi friends! I’m linking up with two of my BBBs for Math Monday! Make sure to visit Jess at I {Heart} Recess and Deirdre at A Burst of First for more awesome math ideas! 🙂

I am sharing an activity we used today in my classroom! We read the first part of the book, Working With Fractions by David A. Adler:

It’s a great introduction to all things fractions! As I read the first part of the book to them, we filled in a notes activity in the students’ math notebooks. You could really do this activity without the book, too. :o) It looks off-center because it is… I made it so that I could just cut off the edges to make it fit in their math composition notebooks.

Grab the freebie by clicking here or the activity above!

Oh! I almost forgot! I hope you’ll come link up this Wednesday for Workshop Wednesday. 🙂 We’ll be sharing how to integrate writing and another content area!

And finally, since it’s been a while since I’ve linked up to a “just for fun” linky, I’m going to link up to ONE MORE tonight. :o) Denise at Sunny Days in Second Grade is doing a fun one- My Truth Monday. And THIS Monday is a CREEPY one for this week’s upcoming holiday!!