Flashback, Five, and Freebie!

Linking up…


Here we go!!

1) We had a great week! First, Joanne at Head over Heels for Teaching posted her amazing bulletin board last week and I HAD to copy it. 🙂 Check hers out here.
Here’s mine!!

I had them choose a “food” figurative language phrase to “show” (not tell!) the meaning through their writing. They drew the food from their figurative language phrase:

And inside their “napkin” they wrote their paragraph to show the meaning:

My kids had so much fun with it!! The list they picked from can be downloaded as a freebie below or here. We talked about the meanings of course, before they chose. Then they are keeping this in their writing folders to use later in their writing!

2) Yesterday, we did another bloggy inspired display on the door. Amanda over at Collaboration Cuties posted a great self-esteem and community-building activity with a St. Pat’s theme. Check hers out here! It seems this time of year, the kiddos always start getting a little aggravated with each other and get what I call “sibling syndrome.” So I gave all my kiddos this list of positive character traits – which was GREAT because we talked about the words they didn’t know the meaning of and they wrote the synonyms for them… hoping this list helps add to their vocabulary!! Then we did a form of “SCOOT” -they went around with their list to every student’s desk and wrote a trait on their coin. You should have seen their faces as they read their own coins when they made it back! You could tell this really made them feel good. 🙂 I posted them on the door…

…and at the end of the month I’m going to tape them on their desk to help give them a boost when they need it. 🙂

3) Today officially started my birthday celebration weekend!! We have birthday recognitions on our morning news show, so I went up to get mine! 🙂

4) The kids had a blast playing our St. Patrick’s Day games/activities during language arts time! In fact, so much that we didn’t get through all the rotations today, so we’ll finish on Monday. They didn’t want to stop so I gave them more time than I anticipated.

Figurative Language Memory Game from My Life as a Third Grade Teacher

Simple and Compound Subjects from 3rd Grade Grapevine

Erin Go Bragh Editing from My Life as a Third Grade Teacher

Parts of Speech Coins from Collaboration Cuties

5) Don’t forget to enter my 200 follower giveaway! It’s hard to believe I’m over 250 now!! The giveaway will end Sat night and winners will be announced on Sunday!!

Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend! I know I will! 🙂 🙂 🙂