Five For Friday: Productivity and Pin It to Win It!

Well, after four days off last week for ice and snow, we had our second full week of school of 2014! Yes- we have only had 2 weeks with five days in them… it’s getting hard to work five days in a row, I tell you! 😉
So… here’s what we were up to this week!

I tried something a little different with a math game my kids used this week. I usually teach the whole class a game either through my small groups or with us all sitting in a circle… but on Monday, I pulled 4 of my “middle kids” in a small group and taught them how to play. Then I made those 4 kiddos my “captains” and they are in charge of teaching the game to the others!
I shared about this game on Wednesday- check the post out here
The Educents Bundle is also still for sale- 14 products for $10.99! BEST DEAL EVER! :o)

We started our geometry unit this week! I created an interactive notebook set for geometry that we began using this week:

You can pick up the unit in my TPT store!

We have also been working on our Sound Unit. Some of the concepts are so hard for them because of the vocabulary, so I created an interactive notebook set for sound, too!

And, just as Groundhog Day lasted FOREVER in my room, my Valentine’s Day activities that I had planned last week got pushed to this week, too! We finally got to do the lesson I shared at the beginning of the month with two articles about chocolate.

We did some close reading this week with these two articles. We figured out the viewpoints of each article (one at a time of course) and they had to find phrases or sentences that supported the author’s viewpoint. Once we had finished with both articles, they used a graphic organizer from my February and March Themed Reading Graphic Organizers to give a summary of both viewpoints.

This unit is also in my TPT store, and since it is halfway through the time you can use them, they are half off!

Many of you know that the products I create for TPT are for me and my classroom first. Obviously, you can tell I use what I create by this post. :o) I would love to give away some of the units I made this week… let’s play…

Pin any of the images in this post or from TPT of the product (or products) you’d like to win, copy the URL, and paste in comments! (Each comment counts as an entry, so if you want to enter for all three of my products I used this week – from numbers 2, 3, and 4- leave three different comments with the different pin URLs!) Please make sure you leave your email address if you’re not a blogger. I will choose one winner for each product on Sunday! :o)