Five For Friday: Oregon Trail With a {Giveaway!}

Linking up for another fabulous Five For Friday to share about our learning of the Oregon Trail! And today, I’m bringing you an awesome giveaway with products from The Sweetest Thing and of course, me! :o)

We started off our study of the Oregon Trail using passages from Westward Expansion Paired Texts about The Oregon Trail and Covered Wagons! We annotated the passages, and the students practiced responding to a constructed response question.
Oregon Trail with Ideas by Jivey
Oregon Trail with Ideas by Jivey
I was so excited when Lauren from The Sweetest Thing shared her Oregon Trail Reader’s Theater with me! It was such a unique story, and one I knew my kids would love!
Oregon Trail Reader's Theater with Ideas by Jivey
I put my kids into groups to read together. They really got into it- they started changing their accents and tone of their voice- one of my boys even turned into a deep-voiced Daddy who was not messing around! LOL!
Oregon Trail Reader's Theater with Ideas by Jivey
Once they finished reading the Reader’s Theater, Lauren included some awesome activities to complete, including storyboards where they had to retell the story through pictures:
Retelling the story through Pictures by Ideas with Jivey
Retelling the story through Pictures by Ideas with Jivey
They did such a great job showing the main parts of the play!
One of the projects my students complete during our Westward Expansion Unit is an ABC Book. Here are two of my kiddos’ entries for Covered Wagons, Oregon Trail, and Pioneers:
Westward Expansion Unit ABC Book with Ideas by Jivey
I had to show you this one because the illustration was just too funny. 
The driver is saying, “OMG! You guys are so slow!” 
And the ox says, “He-he!”
Westward Expansion Unit ABC Book with Ideas by Jivey
If you want to see and read more about these ABC Books–and snag some freebies–check out my post TOMORROW over on our NEW Collaborative Blog, The Primary Peach! And while you’re there, make sure to enter our HUGE Launch Giveaway!

Lastly, here are some of my FAVORITE books that I have been reading during our Westward Expansion Unit:

Favorite books in Westward Expansion Unit:with Ideas by Jivey

I love them SO much, in fact, that I’ve decided to make a Westward Expansion Mentor Sentence Mini-Unit with them! (Similar to the American Revolution Mentor Sentence Mini-Unit I already have in my store…) It will be finished by the time the giveaway is over, so you will be the FIRST to get it if you win!

So, without further ado, check out this awesome giveaway! Two products from me, and two products from The Sweetest Thing- all four will have you SET to teach about Westward Expansion! The more entries you complete, the more chances you have to win! Good luck! It ends Monday night at midnight! (Or is that Tuesday morning??) 😛
a Rafflecopter giveaway