Five For Friday… Late…

Yes, I’m late for my Five For Friday. What do you expect? I’m on vacation! I hardly knew yesterday WAS Friday. 😉 So I’m linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching!

I haven’t totally figured out links and centering with the Blogger app on my phone, so bear with the formatting for me. 🙂
My mom, Mema, sister, and I went to Florida for vacation this week! Fun girls’ trip! And we’re still here! 🙂

We arrived to gorgeous weather, despite the storm that was brewing in the Gulf. Hallelujah! I was in need of some serious sunshine! We left with rain, rain, rain.

After a couple days of sun, it did finally rain, but we still enjoyed the beach- we walked in the high tide, picked up shells, and just enjoyed being ON the beach. 🙂

The rain subsided, but I took advantage of a cloudy day in the hammock on the balcony and finished my book! 

My sister and I love hunting for sand crabs at night! 🙂 We caught three, watched them for a few minutes, and released them of course. 

Yesterday we went deep sea fishing for half a day- we caught all of these and ate them up last night!! 🙂 

I’ll be back in a couple of days with educational posts again, I promise!! 🙂 Aaaaaaaand details about my 400 follower giveaway! :o)