Five For Friday: Getting Close to the END!

Check out my week! We officially are in the single digits- NINE days left, and only one Friday with kids! Summer is so close, I can taste it!

This week was Teacher Appreciation Week, and on Monday, all of the kids brought in flowers! Look how beautiful!!

I so enjoyed looking at them (and smelling them) all week long!

As part of our ABC End of the Year Countdown, we had an Oobleck Day! Most of my kids had never seen or heard of it, so I think it was more fun for me to watch them play with it than it was for them to play! 😛

We also made our moms a fun Mother’s Day gift!

The kids made Instructions to Care for “Mum”- they wrote as though they were writing plant care instructions, but they wrote about their mom. They turned out so cute!! I hope their mamas like them too!

We also celebrated the end of state testing! Wahoo! I shared about what we did on Wednesday– check it out! I also gave you the heads up on the Workshop Wednesday topic, which returns next week! :o) I hope you will come link up!

Last but not least, my friend Courtney from Ramona Recommends was featured on Blog Talk Radio! Check out the interview below! :o)

Popular Education Internet Radio with Sheila Jane Teaching on BlogTalkRadio