Happy Friday, friends! Guess what?? As this post goes live, I will be driving to Florida to visit my BBB Joanne for the weekend!! WHAT?! Bloggy friends can become real life friends?! You bet! I can’t even tell you how excited I am. So this Five For Friday is a special FLORIDA edition! 🙂
Obviously, number one has to be going to stay with my BBB Joanne from Head Over Heels for Teaching!!!
We decided after the Atlanta Meet-Up for bloggers (when it would be quite a drive for her just for lunch) that we HAD to meet each other…and I decided I’d be due for a long-weekend about this time (you’ll see why in #3)… and it was DONE. It will be about an 8 hour drive, but I’ll have Justin Timberlake to keep me company, and maybe an audio-book too- still trying to decide on a good one. 🙂
Since Joanne lives close to Universal Studios, that’s our plan for Saturday! I’ve never been, so I’m soooo pumped. I’ve always been a Disney World girl, but I can’t wait for Universal and the MINIONS!!! If you are a follower of my blog, you know that I absolutely ADORE them. This is the wallpaper of my phone:
…and once others started learning of my love, I began getting gifts! Yay! 😛 Just in the last couple of weeks, I’ve gotten this adorable pencil topper from Scrappy Guy Gary:
This week has been a loooooong week, so this trip is going to be a great get-away. In the county where I work, we have Early Release days twice each school year to meet with all of our parents. Wednesday and Thursday of this week were Early Release… the kids are a bit crazy because the schedule is so wacky! We eat lunch and then they go home… it makes for QUITE a crazy morning. But the craziness doesn’t really begin until 12:30 or so when the first parent that is scheduled walks in, and the back-to-back conferences start. Every 20 minutes, a parent walks out and another walks in. Wednesday I didn’t leave until about 5:30, and Thursday I left at 4:45. Trust me when I say, this is a normal “leave time” for me on a normal day… but cramming 25 parent conferences into two afternoons is NOT a normal day! 😛
I created an activity for my students to do with the sub today, and I wanted to share it with you as a freebie!
The Book Fair is coming to our school this month, so I don’t want to send home Scholastic Book Orders so they will (hopefully) buy books at the Book Fair instead. But instead of trashing the book orders I received, I decided to use them to practice addition, multiplication, and subtraction!
Click on the images, or here, to download this for free. This would also be a great activity to do before you send home a book order so the kiddos can tell their parents what books they “have” to have! 😉
Wanna do some end of the month shopping?
And if you’re in a shopping mood… did you get a chance to check out the September Swap and Share? A few of my favorite BBBs swapped around some awesome products and used them in our classrooms, then shared about how awesome the products were! Make sure you check it out! 🙂