Five For Friday, Flashback, & Freebie!


Hello my BBBs! (That’s Best Bloggy Buddies, of course!)

You are gonna feel some SERIOUS love in this Friday post. Watch out! 😉

1) Ok, clearly we all have bad days and need to whine a little. I have really tried to keep all my blog posts positive because I know we don’t all want to hear complaining all the time. But yesterday, I had a little pity party, and I was overwhelmed by the amount of love and support I received from you all, my BBBs!!! It makes me so glad to be a blogger- this really is such a special community we form here in bloggy land. You people are awesome. 🙂 Thank you so much to Julie, Jessica, Tamra and Sarah, Christy, Elizabeth, Amy, Molly, Theresa, Jess, Ashley, Angie, Melissa, and Caralee for really lifting my spirits yesterday!! 🙂  (Sorry for not linking, Angie- if you read this and you have a blog, shoot me your link so I can make sure I’m following you!)

2) I interviewed yesterday for literacy coach here at my school. Sorry for the vagueness yesterday- I was back and forth on whether to announce it, but I decided it would be ok. 🙂 I REEEEEEEALLY am hoping and praying I get the job because it has been a dream of mine since I became a teacher. Fingers and toes crossed!! Thanks so much to those of you who have also been saying some prayers with me! 🙂 Again, BBBs!!! 🙂 🙂

3) Three women we learn about in 4th grade are Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. SADLY, they are at the end of our year because we go through our Social Studies chronologically, so we don’t have enough time to really get excited about them before THE TEST! But this year, I changed that. I decided for our biography unit, we would read about these fabulous women, research about them, and write about them! We started off reading about them on PebbleGo.

If you haven’t checked out this amazing site- DO IT! It is fabulous at giving “basic important information” just right for elementary schoolers AND it reads it to them if they need that accommodation (my ESOL kids and lower readers used this feature).

We also read these books:

This way, I’m able to integrate all that Social Studies content into my Language Arts time, and not ever have to physically teach it in isolation during “Social Studies!” I love doing that- especially now with Common Core and the huge push for nonfiction- integration is HUGE! Elizabeth Leads the Way is a GREAT book to use to teach strong leads. Moses is wonderful for context clues and imagery. Step-Stomp Stride is awesome for teaching vivid/powerful language. So as we learn the information taught through the biographies, we are learning reading and writing skills, too!

4) I’m so excited to say that the Workshop Wednesday Linky is successful! 17 AWESOME bloggers linked up this week!! Check them out by clicking the button below if you haven’t already! There were some GREAT resources shared!

(And don’t forget, you can always link up late- the linky stays open until the next Wednesday!) So I’m going to go ahead and get a paid subscription to inlinkz so we can have our cute thumbnails on the linky each week. I will post the week’s topic on Sunday and/or Monday so you can be prepared if you want to join in!

5) You know I can’t leave a Friday post freebie-less.

So here’s a cute one I hope you will find useful! 🙂 Enjoy! Graphics are from Ashley Hughes!