Five For Friday Flashback Freebie Feedback Frenzy!!!

Happy Friday! Only two more Fridays (after today) with kiddos for me. WHOA! Time to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching and Teaching Maddeness!


I got this great idea from Ms. Beattie in a post of hers a couple weeks ago- I thought it was brilliant! If you are a TPT seller, visit your dashboard and click on View Product Statistics (under your sales history- scroll down, it’s under “PRODUCTS”). It will open a spreadsheet showing you how many views you’ve had, how many people have your product on their wishlist, and also how many votes you’ve had alongside how many downloads you’ve had. Here is a snapshot from one of my products:

200 downloaded and only 54 people rated it!! I must say, I love reading your feedback on my products. It makes me so happy when I open my email and it says, “Feedback submitted from Teachers Pay Teachers!” But I had no idea until I looked at this that so many aren’t leaving feedback! And did you know, you earn credits when you leave feedback? Who doesn’t love free stuff?? :o) I have earned quite a few free things by leaving feedback! (Just think, the more money you spend, the more free things you get! LOL)

Also, let’s just be honest. As a TPT seller- the more feedback you have, the more people “trust” your products, which is what we want. No one else knows that item was downloaded 200 times!!

So, Friday Feedback Frenzy is born.

Except mine will last all weekend. 🙂 Today, Saturday, and Sunday, go leave ratings/feedback on anything you’ve bought from me, and you can choose an item from my store with a price of $5 or less! (This only applies towards feedback left on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday- sorry, no previous feedback counts!) Once you leave feedback, email me (je**********@gm***.com) and let me know your username and item you rated, along with the item you would like for free! It’s a win-win-win! (Have you seen that episode of The Office? Hilarious!) You get a free item, you get TPT credits towards ANOTHER free item, and I have more ratings! :o) You might not even realize you have items that you downloaded but didn’t give feedback… it doesn’t matter when you bought it, as long as the feedback is left Friday, Saturday, or Sunday! And of course, if you feel the need to buy something from me this weekend, make sure to rate it! :o) Might be a good time if you have anything of mine on your wish list- it would be like a BOGO!

Tuesday was Jigsaw Puzzle Day in my ABC countdown. (Click the link if you missed that post!) Not only did they put together puzzles they brought from home, but they also brainstormed what were the “important pieces” of being a 4th grader. Then, they designed a puzzle piece with what they felt was most important. It is my new door display. 🙂

Our “K-Day” of our ABC countdown was Kindness Day. We watched the Reading Rainbow episode of Boxes for Katje to get a jump on discussion of acts of kindness and generosity. Then, I used Teaching with TWitte’s awesome acrostic she made for our Peace, Hope, Love, and Kindness linky to cover my bulletin board. Get them here! I had to take everything down for THE TEST, but thought it would be nice to have some non-academic related things displayed now. :o) And if you’ve read Wonder, you’ll recognize the quote at the top of the board…

My kids also came up with an idea to help others in our school and get other students involved!! More to come on that next week! 🙂
Yesterday was my 100th post! WOW! 

Thank you to all my followers- you are the reason I keep posting! It’s amazing to see how far I’ve come in such a short time… honestly, blogging has made me become a better teacher. I want to do neat things that I can blog about and will actually be interesting to my readers… and I steal get so many ideas from other great bloggers that have made my classroom more interesting, too!

I tried my hand at making frames this week! (One set was used to make my cute numbers for my Five For Friday today!) You can go get these for free- just click here or the image below:

Don’t forget to leave feedback if you download them! :o)