Five For Friday!

It’s that time! Linking up with Kacey for….

Oh my gosh……. today was my last Friday of the school year!!! I can’t even believe this year is almost over. It seems it only just begun!

First, I have to brag on my kiddos- we got our results for THE TEST and they did such a great job! I am so proud of them. I pulled each kiddo out in the hall one-by-one to let them know their results, and almost every single one of them gave me the biggest hug- even my ones that aren’t usually touchy-feely! Although it was sweet, it was sad to think of the amount of stress they have been under because of this test. One of mine even said in disbelief, “So I’m going to 5th grade??” UH, YEAH!!!!!

I am so excited. SO SO excited. I got a box in the mail. A square one. The size of a…….. pencil sharpener! I gave one away in a giveaway not too long ago and just thought recently, why don’t I have one of these yet??? Classroom Friendly Supplies shipped very quickly! I had it just two days later!

 Here is my new sharpener with my old one. I started with two brand new pencils to be fair. My electric sharpener hasn’t really been a BAD sharpener, but it makes such a mess, and takes forever to get the pencils sharpened “just right.” The pencils are never really that sharp either. And the noise grates on my nerves… ok so obviously I really don’t like the electric one. Haha!

After watching this easy how-to video…
…and realizing that I’m a lefty and was turning the crank the wrong way… DON’T LAUGH…. I easily and quickly sharpened the pencil with my new Classroom Friendly Pencil Sharpener. I put the pencils down side by side to take a picture, and this happened…….

Guess which one came out of the electric sharpener?? That’s right. The one with the missing lead. UGH. Yup. I hate my electric sharpener.

I would highly recommend getting a Classroom Friendly Pencil Sharpener if you don’t already have one!! The kids loved the sharp points and it saved me a grinding headache! :o)

We were supposed to have a science program back in March that got cancelled because the presenter was sick, so he came yesterday instead. Better late than never, right? The kids LOVED it. He taught them about physics- gravity and energy mainly.

These kids were trying to knock over the stack of cups with an air gun! It was pretty cool!

Last month when I got my TPT check, I decided to splurge and NOT use it all on paying down credit card debt (which is what I’ve been trying to do). I used some of the money to make my back porch more “homey” –  my mom’s old house had a screened in porch which I LOVED, and I can’t afford that yet, but I did manage to get this!

It’s not the same as the screened in porch of course, but it zips to keeps out the mosquitoes and provides some shade! (One of my dogs-the one pictured here, Zoey, would much rather sunbathe!) I also got a swing…

I know I didn’t buy or set up these things this week, but my porch has been such a wonderful place for me this week especially so I decided to share it in my Five For Friday…it’s a quiet, peaceful place I can go to sit and think (or not think)… which I totally needed this week!! My porch was definitely my escape quite a few times the last few days.

I just have to send my appreciation one last time for all of your prayers and condolences this week after Tuesday’s post, and Penny’s passing yesterday. I was overwhelmed by your support, honestly. I don’t know how I could ever show you my true appreciation. Teacher bloggers are truly an awesome group of people. :o) I will attend her service tomorrow in bright colors per her family’s request- because she always celebrated life!

We’ve all been carrying a penny around in our pocket for Penny. 🙂