Five For Fr-aturday… lots of pictures to share!

Five For Friday was going to happen yesterday- I had been planning the post in my head all week! But it just didn’t happen. I was asleep by 9:00 last night! (Score one for Jivey!!) So we’ll call this “Five For Fr-aturday.” :o)

Have you entered yet???

A bunch of bloggers have joined up to say THANK YOU.  Thank you for following us.  Thank you for your support, encouragement, and friendship.  We have learned so much from you.  
So we wanted to say thank you with a Gift Card Giveaway.  
Simply fill in the rafflecopter below and you have a chance to win one of 3 prizes. 
(You can fill in the rafflecopter on any of our blogs, it’s all the same one.) 
3 lucky winners will win a $25 gift card to TPT.  
Good luck!

So… it’s been 76 days since our last school holiday. That would be LABOR DAY, people!! We had a “teacher work day” in October where the kids had a holiday, but that doesn’t count because we were working. It has been a LOOOOONG year. And I say that in the most loving way possible… but we are ALL ready for a break in my room. And luckily, we’ve got it! Today is the first day of my week off- that’s right, we get the whole Thanksgiving week off! HALLELUJAH! 
To make sure that all of my kiddos knew how much I loved them before they left me for a week, I wrote to each one of them why I am thankful for them.
You can pick up this freebie in my TPT store if you still have time to write notes to your little sweeties before your Thanksgiving break! As always, feedback is appreciated! :o) 
We are deep in Colonial Times in our Social Studies unit, so we were lucky enough to have a Colonial Day at our school! The kids had a BLAST!
They wrote with quill and ink.
They learned to tie knots on the knot boards.

They ground corn into meal.

They picked seeds out of cotton.
They made cornhusk dolls.
They learned how to weave on a loom.
They played colonial games like Jacob’s Ladder and Corn Cob “Lincoln Logs.”

 And they got to make their own cup and ball game!

The kids really loved being able to do so many hands-on things. It truly gave them a better understanding of colonial times. 
I shared with you on Wednesday about a fun writing activity we are doing. The next step in the activity is for them to practice on different topics- all fun, of course! I’m also going to link this up with my BBB Joanne for Sparking Motivation!
I put the different topics around the room and the students sprawled out on the floor to write about them. These two groups were working on writing about ice cream sundaes and theme parks… who WOULDN’T want to write about that?? :o)

Giving the kids time to NOT sit in their desk is a huge motivator for students, too.
The students have chosen one of their paragraphs that they think is their best to publish. They will hang in the hall around this poster:
Last, but certainly not least, I was so excited to be featured as a milestone seller on TPT this week! I was certainly feeling the love!! It is such an exciting feeling to know I’m able to help other teachers with my resources all over the WORLD! :o)
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!