Favorite Feedback and Fabulous Finds… Is It You?? And SALE!!!!

I am NOT a Black Friday shopper. I know that many of you probably are… but there is just nothing appealing to me about fighting people for a good deal.

You know I can’t pass up a good someecard!! So funny……..

Anyway, what I DO love is Cyber Monday and some online shopping!!!! And of course, what’s my favorite online place to shop…? Ok, ok, you’re right. Amazon…. but what’s my SECOND favorite place to shop?? TPT! There will be a site-wide sale going on for Cyber Monday AND Tuesday!

Everything in my store will be 20% off except for my bundles, which means you’ll get a 28% discount! (Because the bundles are already discounted so much from the single units, I don’t mark them down, but you can still get those with the CYBER 10% discount!)

Need an idea of something to add to your wishlist? If you still haven’t broken down to purchase Mentor Sentences, here are two of my wonderful followers with some fabulous feedback about their purchase!

 (Jennifer and Micha1, email me at je**********@gm***.com and I’ll send you my newest interactive notebook for Mentor Sentences!)

You can check out any of my Individual Mentor Sentence Units in my TPT store by clicking here ORRRR you can get the Biggest and BEST Mentor Sentence Bundle! I compiled all of the units and interactive sets to save you money! You’ll be set for the year! :o)

Now for my wishlist……. although it is mighty long, I have my eye on a couple seasonal FUN products! I know my students will enjoy these items, and it will make our time before Winter Break even more fun!

First up, these Multicultural Multistep Word Problems from my friend Sydney will be PERFECT for my fourthsters in math!

And for Language Arts, this Gingerbread ELA mini-unit with Research Project from Pinkadots Elementary will be perfect-o!

Don’t forget to leave feedback on your previous purchases so you can get credits toward your Cyber Monday and Tuesday purchases!!! Now don’t just sit there… go fill your wishlist!! :o)
