Crazy Life and Opinion Writing Idea

Happy Monday, friends! :o)

(That was my attempt at being positive… LOL!)

It was a loooooong weekend… hence, my lack of blogging. My older dog, Zoey, got an ear hematoma (she shook her head too hard and probably hit her ear on something in the process which caused it to blow up like a balloon) and we spent Saturday at the emergency vet! 🙁 She was so pitiful.

Poor baby- she NEVER lays down at the vet- she is too nervous and anxious so she usually paces. But she decided to chill on Saturday, which let me know she really didn’t feel good. Bless her heart.
This was her getting some mommy-time in after we got home- they had to drain her ear (poor thing!!) and… LOTS of money later, let’s all hope and pray it doesn’t come back, otherwise it’ll be a surgery (meaning more $$$).

Sunday, my sciatica starting acting up really bad (what, am I 80 years old?!?) and I was having back spasms as my boyfriend and I tried to have a nice day at the mall- lunch, movie, shopping, etc… I tried to ignore it the best I could, but it really got me and we cut our shopping short… and then TODAY, I caught myself saying “ugh” several times… ever have those days?? You know the ones, where you think, “ugh, not the alarm already!!” Then, “ugh, they screwed up my coffee order at Dunkin Donuts (and didn’t know until it was too late)!!” Then, “ugh, twenty more things to add to the to-do list… (as the day progresses and you realize the piles and the paperwork aren’t disappearing)” Oh, and a big “ugh” at the thought of cooking dinner… (I stopped at Wendy’s for a baja chili salad instead.)

But enough of all THAT! Check out this fun idea I had while talking to my BBB Joanne!!

She posted about a fun book: The Spider and The Fly, last weekend {check her post out here}. I immediately had to buy the book because I remembered reading it a while back and loving it!

It is such a great book for character traits, for sure… it even ties into mythological allusions a bit with Fly being a bit narcissistic in the end! But aaaaanyway, I had ANOTHER idea with it!!

We started working on opinion writing last week, and I thought, BEFORE reading The Spider and The Fly, it would be really neat for the students to write an opinion piece about spiders. I’m going to have a few articles for them with facts about spiders so they can give evidence for their reasons about their opinion of whether spiders are helpful or hurtful. I’m not sure if I’ll make this a quick write or a “full piece” yet… but I think my kids will love hearing the book after they’ve written their opinions about spiders!

Since I’m in “opinion writing mode,” I’ve decided that this week’s Workshop Wednesday topic will be opinion writing lesson ideas!

You could share a lesson, a book, a prompt idea, or all three! :o)  Can’t wait to see what you all link up and share!

And now….. I’m off to catch up on my DVR and snuggle with my puppies. The piles of papers I brought home will have to wait another day! 😛