Buying Books on a Budget!

I get asked all the time (because of all of the books in my mentor sentence units), “where do you get all of your books?” Unfortunately, I never have a good answer because I’m an Amazon Prime Member and I just buy, buy, buy! Some people buy purses and shoes, I’m a bookaholic. I buy BOOKS!

But I decided to do a little bit of research and find out some other places you can get your books, especially for those of you on a budget. 🙂 Of course, the free way is to not buy at all… Visit your local or school library! But if you are like me and want your OWN copy, here are some sites to check out: has new and used books- you don’t have to buy directly from Amazon! If you don’t mind a used book, that’s often the best way to go, because you do still have to pay shipping… but like with this example, the used (like new) copy of this book is less than $9 with shipping instead of $14.30 for new (Prime price) or $16.95 without Prime. 

Buying books on a budget with Ideas by Jivey.

You definitely will want to check out! They have great deals on used books AND you get free shipping in the US on orders over $10!

Buying books on a budget with Ideas by Jivey

As you may know, shipping can sometimes be what makes that “bargain book” not such a bargain… well this next website has you covered, too! has free shipping on orders over $50, but otherwise, $3.99 flat rate.

Buying books on a budget with Ideas by Jivey

Half Price Books is a great site to find used books as well! You never pay more than half the cover price… there is shipping: $3.99 per book, but $2.99 for additional books from the same store.

Buying books on a budget with Ideas by Jivey

Another website I found that often has coupon codes is They have the same shipping prices as Half Price Books.
Buying books on a budget with Ideas by Jivey

As I mentioned, sometimes the shipping really gets you, but if you can find several books on one site, that definitely helps make your books a bargain!

Do you have any other sites you love to shop for books? Share in the comments! 🙂