Bloglovin’ Update – Hopefully It Will Help You!

Ok, friends. I feel a little better about Bloglovin’ now that I’ve played with it a bit. I wanted to share some things with you!

Brown Bag Teacher has a great tutorial to create your account… check it out if you haven’t set up an account already.

First of all, if you chose to log in with Facebook when you created your account, your REAL name will show as your profile name. If you want to change this, follow these easy steps AFTER you have claimed your blog… if you haven’t claimed your blog, follow step 1 below and it will come up with a “claim my blog” button. Follow the directions they give you for this, then proceed to step 2. 🙂

1. Click the down arrow on the right, next to the search blogs bar. Click on “my blog.”

2. Click on the name of your blog, which should be in bold:

3. At the top right, it tells who the blog is written by… if you don’t want it to say your name, click on your name. It will take you to your profile.

4. Click Edit Profile, then change your “Full Name.” Scroll down and hit save settings… that’s it!

Now to see your followers (which is why you might want to change your name to your blog name…when you view followers, it shows the name on their profile) – go back to the arrow at the top and click My Blog.

When it opens, click the name of your blog…

Then when your blog page opens, click on the followers, and your followers will be listed there!

UNFORTUNATELY, you can’t see ALL the followers, only the most recent ones… 🙁 Hopefully they correct this! But you can get an email notifying you every time someone adds your blog! Back under that drop-down arrow, click on settings. Scroll all the way down to notifications and make sure the box is checked:

Yes, it says “Send me AND email when…” – grammar police, where are you??? 😛  Make sure to save settings! A few of us bloggers have gotten together and decided to email bloglovin’ support (under contact us) about getting the followers issue fixed. We figure if enough of us ask, we’ll get what we want!! 🙂 So if you’re a blogger, shoot them an email!

Another really great feature of Bloglovin’ is making groups- you can do this under “Manage My Blogs.” I have started doing this so I can quickly read through the updates of certain types of blogs. BUT- do NOT re-import your blogs from Google or it will erase all your groups that you created!

If you need to add a button to your blog, it’s in that same dropdown menu on the top-right… it actually adds the widget for you! All you have to do is go in to your layout and move it down (it adds it to the very top).

I know change is hard, and I went kicking and screaming, believe me… but it seems like maybe it won’t be SO bad… :o)  Hope this was helpful!