
Sparking Student Motivation: Inquiry Circles

This week was a bit crazy, but it was so much fun for me and my kids in science!! We have been learning about the solar system, and this week, my kids got into inquiry circles to learn more about a space topic. My kids have never been more excited about science, so of course, I’m linking it up with my BBB Joanne for Sparking Student Motivation!

My students gave me their top three solar system topics that they were interested in… I put them into groups of 3 or 4 students based on their choices. Then, they came up with three questions that they could research. They used books I had checked out from the library, and they got on our district’s Online Research Library to find the answers to their questions.

Inquiry Circles with Ideas by Jivey

Inquiry Circles with Ideas by Jivey

What makes inquiry circles so great is that the students are so engaged because it’s a topic they chose and want to know more about! EVERY kid was totally involved in researching and finding answers. It was amazing!

The fun part of inquiry circles is that the students get to be creative and come up with a plan as a group to present the information to the class. Some groups made posters, some made models, some wrote a play, and one even wrote a song!

Inquiry Circles with Ideas by Jivey

Inquiry Circles with Ideas by Jivey

The students came up with these ideas all on their own, and even brought in supplies from home! Their motivation to do these projects is unbelievable! If you’ve never heard of inquiry circles before, check these sites out: Prezi Overview / Video Showing Inquiry Circles.

My students will present on Monday, so I don’t have any finished products to show you today, but I will be back next week to share. :o)

Oh and PS… I’m super excited to share something with you on Sunday (and you should be, too!!)… but you have to wait til tomorrow to see what it is!! :o)

With Ideas by Jivey