Sparking Student Motivation: Flashlight Friday!

Time to link up with my BBB Joanne for another motivational activity!! Yesterday, I shared a few things we did over the course of the week. Halloween week is usually always crazy, but my kids had one of their best weeks in a while, behavior-wise, and I am going to attribute it to all the really fun things we did and me telling them we would stop if they couldn’t handle it. I could hear them helping each other with behavior- like, “shhhh, Ms. Ivey will turn the lights on!”

Apparently my kids love being in the dark! LOL We had glow stick writing on Thursday, and then yesterday, we had Flashlight Friday during Reading! I got the idea for Flashlight Friday from Joanne a couple weeks ago and knew I had to do it.

My kids have all been trying really hard to meet their AR goals, so I let EVERYONE have Flashlight Friday yesterday.

I told them we would be doing Flashlight Friday every other week after an AR goal check in! As long as they are showing me they are improving since the last check-in, they’d get to participate. (So students who don’t take a test, or who are consistently failing the tests they are taking will have to read in another classroom that day.)

They were all so engaged and excited, I am really hoping it will motivate those few who aren’t reading like they should for their AR goal. I’m only asking for improvement from the last checkpoint and not a certain number of points because we have a class reward for the students who meet their AR goal at the end of the nine weeks. This way, students are still getting rewarded for trying even if they don’t meet their goal by the end.

What are you doing to motivate your students? Go link up with Head Over Heels For Teaching and share! 🙂