What’s That Falling From the Sky?!?

This Wednesday, I’m going to try my linky party again! As promised, I wanted to give you a head’s up of the focus so you can be ready… this week, I’d like for us to look at Writer’s Workshop! What is your must-have in Writer’s Workshop? In other words, your Writer’s Workshop would not be successful without… <fill in the blank>. Can’t wait to see what you all have to link up with on Workshop Wednesday!! 🙂

Now, moving on to some exciting news… I know you were all chomping at the bit last week for this and it’s finally here!!

I completed my Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Unit with the ADORABLE Scrappin Doodle Spaghetti clip art (as well as their Breakfast clip art and BBQ clip art and Weather Kiddos clip art… do you see the disease I have here??) – it is jam packed with some great reading comprehension pages specific for this book! Go take a peek at it in my TPT store by clicking here, or on the picture above, or any of the previews of the items below!

Need a reason to buy it? Here are all the Common Core Standards you’ll cover…

2nd Grade: RL.2.3, RL.2.5, RL.2.7, W.2.3, L.2.1
3rd Grade: RL.3.2, RL.3.5, RI.3.8, W.3.3, L.3.1
4th Grade: RL.4.1, RL.4.3, RI.4.5, W.4.3, L.4.1
(yes, I listed informational standards because it’s the only place cause and effect is listed… do they really only expect us to use informational texts for that?? I think not.)

If you love using mentor texts in the classroom, be sure to check out Better Than Basal too!

It is packed with awesome activities you can use all year long!